
Showing posts from February, 2019

Developing My Identity as a Technology Leader

My leadership style is developing by the interactions I have with the people I encounter.  My willingness to help, listen, and build positive relationships has helped me evolve as a leader. I briefly met my mentor about two years ago when I was a teacher and established a good relationship with her. I didn't talk much, but rather let her show me who she and what she needed from me at the time. All in all,   I felt lucky to have had the opportunity in the past to meet who my mentor is today because she is now helping me today with this course. Then I thought how important relationships are. You never know when you will need someone's help in the future, so making every relationship a positive interaction is a must.  When I was a first year teacher I was mentored by a great principal, Mrs. Wynne, who later got promoted to lead all principals in the district. Mrs. Wynne taught me to sit back and listen, truly listen. Listen to the needs of my students, parent...

The Dancing Guy Reflection

How are you developing your identity as a technology leader or facilitator? I am developing my identity as a leader by first observing, analyzing the needs, intuitively listening to what the needs are for the campus and individuals before I open my mouth and start giving suggestions. I have learned that people have to earn your respect to even give you the time of day. This is quite normal and it should be this way. Too often leaders try to push people around and give orders to only face resistance and half given compliance. Relationships are everything, relationships are the backbone to our lives actually. Sivers (2010) stated that as leaders we must embrace followers as an equal. This is brilliant because too often I’ve witnessed leaders get trapped exuding a persona that they are better and more significant than the people “below” them. This only creates walls and kills any chance to take risks. I am still in the process of taking things one step at a time to know how to best ...