Bill Ferriter-style


  • What does innovation look like: Innovation is thinking outside the box and having students be the center of the learning and instruction. 

  • What is not innovation: It is when instruction is to benefit the teacher and designed for the teacher. 

  • With an idea of what innovation looks like, what should the role of a technology facilitator look like: The role of a technology facilitator should be an open minded person who is a sounding board to teachers. This person is to be a support system and someone else telling them what to do, but showing them what is possible to enhance their classrooms with creativity and student engagement. 

  • Explain and/or analyze your graphic: My graphic shows two ways of analyzing traditional vs. digital education. We as a society have moved away or should be moving away from traditional education to a more digital education. We have to meet the students where they are to get to their intrinsic motivation to learn. 


  1. Hey Jennifer, thanks for your comparison of Traditional and Digital education. I think the strongest word you use din your highlights of digital education is the word "opportunity." There is so much our students can do with their technology and so much our teachers can guide them through that would not have even been imagined in the past. Because of those opportunities, the role of technology facilitator becomes even more important to open those doors for both students and teachers to discover the opportunities that are out there for them.
    I also love the idea of digital education offering intrinsic rewards compared to the externals and punishments through traditional education. When students are intrinsically rewarded and motivated, they are more likely to become the life-long learners we strive for in education.

  2. Hi Jennifer,

    Nice working with you again. Great comparison of the differences between traditional education and digital education. Your comparisons do not rely on the idea that technology is what makes the difference. Of course it plays a huge part in the contrast, but i like that you focus on its impact, the why rather than the how. Specifically regarding parents, you identify that they can now be a part of their child's education. This was only physically possible before, but now there are many more ways for the parents to play a role in their child's education. Students can also create value for others by sharing the content they create or their research.

  3. Jennifer, I love how you describe the role of the technology facilitator as someone who can show educators what is possible. I think that teachers, like other professionals, sometimes get stuck in a "comfort zone," doing what they've always done, because they're used to certain methods which give them somewhat consistent results. However, results (which in this case would be learning) need to be more than just consistent, they need to be optimal. The technology facilitator can be the objective person who can inspire the "comfortable" teacher to try something new, as well as support him or her through the process of making the learning experience better for the students.


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