
Powerful Learning, Powerful Leadership, Part 2

When teachers are forced to focus on a vast amount of tasks and feel overwhelmed, they will not focus on creating quality work rather they will focus on a check list to say they covered the curriculum. Couros (2015) states that less is more and it will prevent teacher burn out (p. 154). This burnout has caused a high teacher turnover rate. Thus, this high teacher turnover rate greatly impacts the success of the students. In addition, after reading the findings of DiSchiano (2017), the major causes of teachers leaving the profession is school culture and instructional leadership. Therefore, the less is more concept will help educators focus on where their time matters most which is in the classroom. To keep things simple for teachers would benefit them feeling more understood and supported. There's nothing worse than feeling overwhelmed and success impossible to reach, especially for a new teacher. Their outlook can turn grim and is at risk of heading towards leaving the professi...
How have you modeled and explored new opportunities for learning during your practicum?   I have been in contact with several teachers in the district to better assess how I can be of service to the district. I have observed teachers give Google Suites training and have also observed campuses where the Technology Liaison is in need of direct training due to time constraints. State mandated preparation testing takes precedence at this time of year and so many teachers have not signed up to learn Google Suites or Classroom.  I have taken a poll and notice most teachers do not know how to log in to their Google accounts and am working closely with the Innovation and Development Department to help support Pasadena teachers get up to speed with how to navigate through Google Suites and eventually Classroom. Couros frequently mentions how we need to find how technology enhances learning (Couros, 2015, p.140-145). With that in mind, I will continue to brainstorm how I can pres...

Developing My Identity as a Technology Leader

My leadership style is developing by the interactions I have with the people I encounter.  My willingness to help, listen, and build positive relationships has helped me evolve as a leader. I briefly met my mentor about two years ago when I was a teacher and established a good relationship with her. I didn't talk much, but rather let her show me who she and what she needed from me at the time. All in all,   I felt lucky to have had the opportunity in the past to meet who my mentor is today because she is now helping me today with this course. Then I thought how important relationships are. You never know when you will need someone's help in the future, so making every relationship a positive interaction is a must.  When I was a first year teacher I was mentored by a great principal, Mrs. Wynne, who later got promoted to lead all principals in the district. Mrs. Wynne taught me to sit back and listen, truly listen. Listen to the needs of my students, parent...

The Dancing Guy Reflection

How are you developing your identity as a technology leader or facilitator? I am developing my identity as a leader by first observing, analyzing the needs, intuitively listening to what the needs are for the campus and individuals before I open my mouth and start giving suggestions. I have learned that people have to earn your respect to even give you the time of day. This is quite normal and it should be this way. Too often leaders try to push people around and give orders to only face resistance and half given compliance. Relationships are everything, relationships are the backbone to our lives actually. Sivers (2010) stated that as leaders we must embrace followers as an equal. This is brilliant because too often I’ve witnessed leaders get trapped exuding a persona that they are better and more significant than the people “below” them. This only creates walls and kills any chance to take risks. I am still in the process of taking things one step at a time to know how to best ...

Bill Ferriter-style

   What does innovation look like:  Innovation is thinking outside the box and having students be the center of the learning and instruction.  What is not innovation: It is when instruction is to benefit the teacher and designed for the teacher.  With an idea of what innovation looks like, what should the role of a technology facilitator look like: The role of a technology facilitator should be an open minded person who is a sounding board to teachers. This person is to be a support system and someone else telling them what to do, but showing them what is possible to enhance their classrooms with creativity and student engagement.  Explain and/or analyze your graphic: My graphic shows two ways of analyzing traditional vs. digital education. We as a society have moved away or should be moving away from traditional education to a more digital education. We have to meet the students where they are to get to their intrinsic mot...


Hello everyone. I am Jennifer Almaguer and let's just say I am in a discovery phase in my life. I used to be a classroom teacher and decided to take a year off to focus on my masters degree and began working as an actress, v/blogger, and social media specialist for a local Houston company. I am not really sure where my degree is going to take me, but I have began to become interested in creating online courses that can be bought and marketed on social media. Like I said, I am in a discovery phase in my life and finally felt ok not having it all figured out and not having the answers to everything. I am happy to be in this course as I've gotten to work with amazing colleagues these past semesters. Here is one of my favorite quotes: Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. - Albert Einstein On a side note: I believe Google Plus is gong to be the next big social media platform. So now is the time to get those custom URL's bef...